The module that takes audio data and converts it to note information.
On this page
There currently is only one NoteFinder, with the same behaviour as the one in base ColorChord.
Option Name | Type | Default | Range | Controllable | Description |
StartFreq | float | 65.4064 | 0.0~20000.0 | ✅ | The minimum frequency analyzed. (in Hz) ℹ️ See note below. |
DFTIIR | float | 0.65 | 0.0~1.0 | ✅ | Determines how much the previous frame’s DFT data is used in the next frame. Smooths out rapid changes from frame-to-frame, but can cause delay if too strong. |
DFTAmplify | float | 2.0 | 0.0~10000.0 | ✅ | Determines how much the raw DFT data is amplified before being used. |
DFTSlope | float | 0.1 | 0.0~10000.0 | ✅ | The slope of the extra frequency-dependent amplification done to raw DFT data. Positive values increase sensitivity at higher frequencies. |
OctaveFilterIterations | int | 2 | 0~10000 | ✅ | How often to run the octave data filter. This smoothes out each bin with adjacent ones. |
OctaveFilterStrength | float | 0.5 | 0.0~1.0 | ✅ | How strong the octave data filter is. Higher values mean each bin is more aggressively averaged with adjacent bins. Higher values mean less glitchy, but also less clear note peaks. |
NoteInfluenceDist | float | 1.8 | 0.0~100.0 | ✅ | How close a note needs to be to a distribution peak in order to be merged. |
NoteAttachFreqIIR | float | 0.3 | 0.0~1.0 | ✅ | How strongly the note merging filter affects the note frequency. Stronger filter means notes take longer to shift positions to move together. |
NoteAttachAmpIIR | float | 0.35 | 0.0~1.0 | ✅ | How strongly the note merging filter affects the note amplitude. Stronger filter means notes take longer to merge fully in amplitude. |
NoteAttachAmpIIR2 | float | 0.25 | 0.0~1.0 | ✅ | This filter is applied to notes between cycles in order to smooth their amplitudes over time. |
NoteCombineDistance | float | 0.5 | 0.0~100.0 | ✅ | How close two existing notes need to be in order to get combined into a single note. |
NoteOutputChop | float | 0.05 | 0.0~1.0 | ✅ | Notes below this value get zeroed. Increase if low-amplitude notes are causing noise in output. |
The default configuration of StartFreq is different than cnlohr's implementation. If you want behaviour to match with his default configurations, change StartFreq to 55.0.