MemoryMapReceiver (For Debugging)

Reads from an existing memory-mapped file using an existing mutex. Intended for testing only, or as a reference implementations.

Output Modes: Discrete 1D
Source Code


Option NameTypeDefaultRangeDescription
Typestring"MemoryMapReceiver"Required: Specifies this visualizer type.
NamestringAny unique nameRequired: A unique identifier used to attach outputs and controllers.
MapNamestringN/AValid memory map nameThe name of the memory-mapped file to read data from. The MemoryMap output will create a file by name ColorChord.NET-[OutputName] where [OutputName] is the Name configuration parameter on the Output instance.
MutexNamestringN/AValid mutex nameThe name of the mutex to interface with. The MemoryMap output will create a mutex by name ColorChord.NET-Mutex-[OutputName] where [OutputName] is the Name configuration parameter on the Output instance.
FrameRateint600~1000The number of data frames to attempt to read per second. Determines how fast the data is output.